As a Pristine Trained Trader I have decided to start using their scoring system on my plays to reinforce my chosen method for trading equities. Since I no longer use moving averages, which you need for a location item, @ R20ma and the PBZ, I will replace both of these by giving 10 points if my play has a void, and 10 points for a 3 to 1 Risk to Reward Ratio. I will also give 10 points if the play comes from a strategy. Last but not least, I’ve added points for my Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III gaps, which are Pristine’s mortgage type gaps. Here is how my update point system will work:
Strategy – 10 Points
Buy/Sell Entry Patterns – 20 Points
Bull/Bear Event Add-ons – all get 10 points Bull/Bear Location Add ons 10pts.
(BT/TT) Bottoming Tail, Topping Tail mS – Minor Support
+-COG (Change of Guard) MS – Major Support
NRB/NB (Narrow Range Bar/ Narrow Body) +-40/60 – Fib retracement
+-Vol (Volume) UTL – Up trend line
RT – Reversal Time DTL – Down trend Line
RR – Risk to Reward = 3-1 V – Void
SA – Sector Alignment A&R – Add and Reduce stop
180 – Bull/Bear 180
V – Void – 10 pts
A&D – 10 pts- add and reduce – add shares to the current position and reduce the stop (keeping the same risk on the play
Gaps: Tier I – 30 pointsTier II – 20 pointsTier III – 10 points
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