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Tag Archives: Gap play
Nice little trade in PG
The last two days have been a grind while the market waits for Wednesday’s FOMC announcement. My trade today is very similar to my trade that I took yesterday in the market in the QQQ where I made .25 … Continue reading
Masterful play in GILD
I woke up this morning with two stocks on my earnings watch which were DIS and GILD. DIS scored as a Tier III gap but GILD was a Tier II and if the market was gaping up, which it was … Continue reading
Dance with the Gal that brought ya!
Well, the only stock that seemed to come through for me was FSLR which I found as a Tier III Gap down as earnings were announced earlier. I don’t read the news, so I cannot tell you if the news … Continue reading
Beautiful Trade in Apple
I had a picture perfect trade in AAPL this morning which started out as a Tier III gap play. I was a little more aggressive on the entry but after the first 5 minute bar left minor support with … Continue reading
Easy does it for TraderHank in T
Typical Monday around here lately, nice and boring but I did happen to find a play in T which I found on my gap down list. I scored the gap as a Tier II gap, it could have been … Continue reading
Tier II gap play in COST
My first play of the day came in COST which I found on my gap list as a Tier II gap. I also had RIG on my list as well but when you looked to the left on the … Continue reading
One and done on this FOMC day
FOMC days seem to be showing up on my door step way too fast lately. These Fed announcements can really screw up the trading day and sometimes the following day as well, similar to a bad hangover. On FOMC … Continue reading
Nice gap play in NOV this morning
I found a nice Tier II mortgage type gap play this morning in NOV that I nearly got stopped out on but managed to hang with it to 2 of my lower targets. NOV opened by gaping under 7 days … Continue reading
Tier I gap in XLNX
I was a little late setting up my charts this morning but I noticed that XLNX was going to open by gaping down $3 dollars. My analysis had XLNX as a Tier I gap which is the best possible gap … Continue reading
Gap continuation play in JPM
A really slow trading day today for me due to having a very poor list of stocks to trade with. My play of the day came in JPM which I had on my list as a gap continuation play from … Continue reading